Monday, August 22, 2011

New England

Top row: Aunt Gale, Uncle Joe, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Diane, Mike, Dad, Mom, & Uncle Doug (Aka Uncle Bug)
Bottom Row: O'Ryan, Ben, Grandpa, Grandma, Me, & Aunt Chris

I think the cicada looks like an alien here!
I know it is strange, but I love taking pictures of bugs!

The lighting here is really great!

I'd never seen this fish before

This is actully only 4 jellyfish. The other 4 you see above is the reflection!

From the top of the multi-story tank.

My great-grandmother, Sofie Lesniak Romek (the little girl on the left

My grandma, Rose Romek Zydlewski.


I <3 Fenway Park!

I went to visit my Dad's side of the family up in New England. We went to the New England Aquarium, which is my favorite aquarium. The last day that we were there my parents and my aunt and uncle surprised us by taking us to a Red Sox game!

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